Saturday, September 3, 2016

Project proposal for
Development of skilled human resources for home care of elderly, chronically ill and disabled people (Home Health Care Assistant) in Bangladesh

Proposal developed by:
SSMC-3 Society <http://www.ssmc 3rd batch>
SSMC-3 Society is a non-profit, non-political organization for medical and humanitarian services. The society maintains a free Friday Clinic at Uttora, organizes outreach medical camps, and other activities
Table of contents

Executive summary

1. Background: With the growing need of care for the elderly, chronically ill and disabled people in Bangladesh, this proposal is developed to train a cadre of basic home health care service providers (Home Health Care Assistants) who would implement the instructions of the consulting physicians for medication, provide limited physiotherapy, counsel the family members on patients’ diet and personal hygiene, and provide direct support services such as dressing, feeding, cleaning etc. to the patients in need at home.

2. Goal, Purpose and Objectives
2.1 Goal:
The overall goal of this project is to contribute to improved home care services to chronically ill patients, elderly and disabled people, who are unable to manage themselves for survival in Bangladesh.

2.2 Purpose:
The purpose of this project is to develop a cadre of skilled home-care service providers (Home Health Care Assistants) to provide day-to-day home care services to chronically ill patients, elderly and disabled people both in urban and rural areas of Bangladesh.

2.3 Objectives:
1.       Develop a training institution to provide quality training;
2.       Provide quality training to the home health care providers;
3.       Promote the trained home health care providers in the society and community

3. Activities:
3.1 Develop a training institution with necessary training facilities, furniture and other logistics: This would be initially done at a rented house. However, the ultimate goal is to institutionalize the training through development of a permanent training institution through procurement of land and construction of necessary infrastructure.

3.2 Recruitment of staff: The project would recruit a part-time project director, one administrative and finance officer and two support staff to implement the project.

3.3 Selection of trainees and facilitators, and implementation of training: The trainees will be selected through open advertisement in the news paper. The training would be provided free of cost to the interested candidates (at the initial stage). It is proposed to train 100 persons on pilot basis in a year.

3.4 Promotion of trained providers: The project would promote the trained providers through personal communication as well as through institution.

4. Implementation: The project would be implemented under the banner of SSMC-3 Society. A project implementation committee will be formed to implement the project and a separate account for the project will be maintained.

5. Project period: The project period would be for 1.5 years – first 6 months for preparation (preparatory phase) and next one year for implementation.

6. Budget: Total estimated cost of the project is about Tk. 3,550,000 (thirty five lac fifty thousand) only.

Project proposal in detail

Bangladesh is a country of more than 161 million inhabitants.[1] Data of 2014 indicates that about 5% of its population is above the age of 65 years with a dependency ratio of 64%.[2]

Bangladesh has achieved remarkable progress in health and economic sectors with improvement of health and economic indicators. There is significant reduction of maternal and child mortality during the last decades with improvement of life expectancy .[3],[4] Data indicates that average life expectancy at birth (2013) of Bangladeshi population is about 70.6 years (female: 72.6 years; male: 68.7 years).[5] Bangladesh is also progressing towards a middle income country as envisioned by Vision 2021, an agenda of this current government.[6]

Though Bangladesh has achieved substantial improvements in health indicators, there are growing concerns about emergence of chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal diseases, cancer and others. A recent study with nationwide samples indicates that the prevalence of hypertension among the population aged more than 25 years is 14.8%.[7] On the other hand, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus among adult population (aged more than 35 years) is estimated as 9.7%.[8] In many instances patients with these chronic diseases develop complications, such as stroke (leading to hemi or paraplegia), renal failure and other disabilities causing enormous suffering to the family members as they cannot maintain their daily survival needs.

The treatment cost and hospital care in Bangladesh has become very high compared to the income of general population. Studies indicate that the out of pocket expenditure for health care in Bangladesh is about 64%, which is one of the highest in the world.[9] Many of the families become devastated and pushed into deeper poverty to meet up the medical bills for hospitalization of chronic diseases. The hospital care cost could be minimized if appropriate home care services were available with affordable cost.

In developed countries, there are trained providers to provide domiciliary services to the elderly and chronically ill patients. However, there is no such cadre of trained home care providers in Bangladesh who can follow the instructions of the physicians and provide necessary care to the elderly, chronically ill patients and disabled persons at home.

In Bangladesh, the number of beds at public hospitals is inadequate and the number of facilities for geriatric care (old homes) is very scarce compared to the needs. Moreover, for most of the families, it is not affordable to keep the chronically ill patients and elderly people at the clinics/hospitals for extended period of time. This is also not a cost effective way of managing the chronically ill and disabled people who need support from family members. This proposal has been developed to mitigate some of these growing problems through developing a trained cadre of home-care providers for the care of elderly, chronically ill and disabled individuals in Bangladesh.

Home Health Care Assistants (HHCA) is proposed to be a cadre of trained health care providers who will provide some basic health care services to the elderly, chronically ill and disabled patients at home. The services that the HHCA would provide include: 1) implementation of consulting physician’s advise for the care of patients at home; 2) provide limited physiotherapy; 3) dressing; 4) postural management to prevent bedsore; 5) patients’ feeding and dietary counseling to the family members; 6) maintain personal hygiene of the patients; and 7) measure the BP and temperature etc.

The Sir Salimullah Medical College – 3 Society or SSMC-3 Society is a non-profit and non-political organization aimed at providing medical and humanitarian services to the poor and marginalized people in Bangladesh. This society is formed in 2014 by the 3rd batch graduates of Sir Salimullah Medical College. It is registered with the government and has approved constitution. The society is governed by an elected Executive Committee (EC). Current activities of the society include: a) free specialist medical services through a free Friday clinic at Uttora (Jashimuddin Road); b) organize periodical outreach medical camps in the rural areas. The society has already organized 10 outreach health camps in the rural areas of different districts. About 15,000 patients have received specialist care services free of cost or with minimum fees from these camps; c) organize seminars at Sir Salimullah Medical College Hospital on various issues as part of continuous medical education primarily by the specialists working abroad. The society maintains a website <www.SSMC 3rd batch>, where all the relevant information such as activities, constitution, list of members, Executive Committee etc are available.

4.1 Goal:

The overall goal of this project is to contribute to improved home care services to chronically ill patients, elderly and disabled people, who are unable to manage themselves for survival in Bangladesh.

4.2 Purpose:

The purpose of this project is to develop a cadre of skilled home-care service providers (HHCA) to provide day-to-day home care services to chronically ill patients, elderly and disabled people both in urban and rural areas of Bangladesh. These service providers would follow the instructions of the consulting physicians for medication, provide limited physiotherapy, counsel the family members on patients’ diet and personal hygiene, and provide direct support services such as dressing, feeding, cleaning etc. to the patients at home.

4.3 Objectives:

The objectives of this project are to:
1.       Develop a training institution to provide quality training;
2.       Provide quality training to develop skilled home health care providers;
3.       Promote the trained home health care providers in the society and community for home care services

Five percent of total population in Bangladesh is at the age of more than 65 years. With this estimate, there are about 8 million people at this age group. With the continued improvement of life expectancy, this population group is gradually increasing. On the other hand, prevalence of chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, kidney disease and other chronic illnesses are high, especially among the older age group. Many of the chronic diseases are associated with complications, which require, in addition to appropriate medical care, home care services. Currently, there is no trained service provider in Bangladesh to provide basic home care services to this group of individuals. This project proposes to train a group of individuals (Home Health Care Assistants) to support home care services to chronically ill patients, elderly and disabled individuals.

If this project is implemented, it would benefit the society in taking care of the chronically ill and elderly people in a better and cost effective manner. The trained individuals can be self employed or may have the opportunity to work at private clinics and old homes, and would contribute to the reduction of unemployment burden of the country. There may have opportunity to export these skilled human resources to other countries that would generate foreign currency to strengthen our economy and help achieving the vision 2021.

To fulfill the goal and objectives of this project, following activities will be undertaken.

6.1. Comprehensive curriculum:

A comprehensive and detail curriculum including necessary training materials (manuals for trainers and trainees) are needed to impart quality training and develop skilled providers. A draft comprehensive curriculum (attached with this proposal) has already been developed by the curriculum committee of the SSMC-3 Society. The curriculum has been developed adapting the curriculum of USA and Canada for developing similar type of provider but keeping in mind the socio-economic and cultural context of Bangladesh.

The objective of the training would be to provide necessary knowledge and skills to the participants to provide basic home care services to the elderly, chronically ill and disabled people in the community. The job of the trained individuals would be to follow the advices of the consulting physicians for medication, provide limited physiotherapy, counsel the family members on patients’ diet and personal hygiene, and provide direct support services such as dressing, feeding, cleaning etc. to the patients at home.

6.2. Development of training institution:

6.2.1 Renting a house:
To organize the training necessary infrastructure and facilities are needed. Initially, the Society will use a rented house to train the providers. However, the ultimate goal of the society is to institutionalize the training through development of a permanent training institution through procurement of land and construction of necessary infrastructure.

6.2.2 Procurement of furniture, legists and training aids:
In order to implement the training, in addition to the rented house, some furniture (chair, table, file cabinets, almirah etc.), logistics (air conditioner, white board, markers etc.) and training aids (laptop, multimedia projector etc.) would be required. The list of necessary furniture, logistics and training aids that would be procured for this project is shown in the budget.

6.2.3 Recruitment of staff:
To implement, manage and coordinate the training activities, the project will appoint minimum number of staff. The project proposes to employ the following staff members:

A part-time Project Director: A part-time Project Director (PD) will be appointed to implement and manage the project. The PD must be a member of the SMMC-3 Society with previous experience of training, project implementation and management. He will be overall responsible for implementation, coordination, day-to-day management of the institution and supervision of the staff. The project director will be reportable to the Project Implementation Committee (PIC) (see management section). The project would pay a little amount of honorarium to the PD for his/her time. However, if any competent member of the society wants to provide voluntary services, that would be considered positively while appointing the PD.

One administrative and finance officer: The project will hire this full time staff. The Admin and Finance officer will assist the Project Director to implement, manage and coordinate the training program, maintain day-to-day management and maintenance of finance for the project. He/she will closely work with the PD and assist him to implement the training program and provide periodical financial report to the PD. A separate account (separate from the society’s account) will be maintained for the project.

Two support staff: These support staff will be appointed full time by the project. They will remain responsible to support the Admin officer, and maintain cleanliness and security of the training institution in addition to other necessary supports.

6.3. Selection of trainees and facilitators:

The first step to implement the training is to select and enroll the trainees. The selection of the trainees will be done through open advertisement in the daily news paper, through online advertisement and personal communication. Training of initial few batches will be offered free of cost (i.e., trainees would not have to pay for the training). Subsequently, depending on the experience of this pilot phase, a small amount of training fee may be imposed to recover the cost.

Selection of trainees: The admission criteria for this training will be: a) at least SSC pass; b) both male and female; c) age between 20 and 30 years; and d) have the right attitude to serve the chronically ill, elderly and disabled people through home visits.

Selection of facilitators: The SSMC-3 Society has sufficient number of well qualified and experienced professionals covering all the disciplines to work as facilitator. Options will be given to all the Society members for the part-time faculty (facilitator) positions. The committee (PIC) will select the facilitators from the interested members. Facilitators will also be selected from outside the members, as needed. For example, the society may need to pick up physiotherapist and dietician as facilitator for this training program. The facilitators will be paid based on the classes they would take. A tentative list of facilitators for the training can be seen in annex 1.

Duration of the training: The duration of the training will be 3 months. The first half of the training will be dedicated to theoretical sessions by deductive and interactive lectures and demonstration of skills. The training will be full time but non-residential. The other half of the training will focus on skills development. For this the trainees will be placed at the private clinics for practical hands on training.

Evaluation of the trainees: The trainees would be evaluated in the classroom at the end of each lecture sessions. There would have a written midterm exam at the end of the theoretical sessions. The final examination will be held at the end of the whole course through written and practical examinations. The minimum pass mark will be 50%, and on successful completion of the course the trainees would receive a certificate from the society.

6.4. Promotion of trained providers:

This would be new cadre of providers unknown to the community. The project would, therefore, take initiative to promote the trained providers for employment and home-based services. This would be done by the society members at personal level as well as through institution. At personal level, society members will provide information (in the meting, seminars and personal communication) to the private clinics about these trained providers for patients’ care at the private clinics and at home. This may create full time job opportunities for the trained providers in the private clinics and part-time job opportunities for home care. This would also create a linkage with the discharged patients for home care service delivery.

At institutional level, the training institute will promote home care services (by the trained providers) through advertisement in the daily news paper, distribution of leaflets, and electronic media including online facilities. A database of the trained persons will be maintained by the institution to track the trainees’ activities as well as to provide necessary support.

The project will be implemented under the banner of SSMC-3 Society. To implement and monitor the project, the EC of the Society will form a Project Implementation Committee (PIC). This committee (PIC) will be comprised of 5-7 Society members (volunteers) interested in this activity. The responsibilities of the PIC will be to:

-        Appoint a project director from within the members of the Society for the project
-        Recruit the proposed project staff
-        Closely monitor and oversee the implementation of the project
-        Provide technical and other supports, as necessary, for smooth implementation of the project
-        Will ensure organizational integrity and transparency of the project
-        Will monitor the quality of the training
-        Submit report to the EC at the end of each batch of training
-        Coordinate and communicate with the EC if support is needed
-        Coordinate with and submit periodical report to the funding agency as per their requirement

The initial project period would be 1.5 years. The first six months would be the preparatory phase, during which time all the basic requirements for the training will be fulfilled, such as development of curriculum, renting house, staffing, procurement of furniture, recruitment of trainees and facilitators etc. Rest one year would be for the actual training implementation. We proposed to train 100 HHCA in 4 batches (25 per batch) in a year. A tentative timeframe is provided below.

6 months
6 months
6 months
Development of curriculum

Recruitment of staff

Renting house

Procurement of furniture & training aids

Selection of trainees and faculties

Implementation of traiing

9. Tentative budget:
Following is the tentative budget for the project with the target to train 100 persons.

Unit cost
Total: TK.
Development of institution:

House rent (for 13 months)
Utility bills and service charge


Procurement of furniture, logistics & training aids:




File cabinet



Air conditioner (2 tons) with commissioning




White board

Multimedia projector




Multimedia screen

Extension cords

White board markers

Miscellaneous (stationeries etc.)


Staff recruitment and salary:

Adds for staff recruitment
Salary of Admin & Finance officer
Support staff salary
Salary for PD

Selection of trainees and training

Advertisement in newspaper

Honorarium for facilitators (per class)

Photocopy of training materials




Total budget:


Vat and tax (if applicable): 25%


Grand total:


Annex 1
List of facilitators with brief qualification

Name and current position
Qualification and experience
Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman
Consultant, National Heart Foundation, Dhaka
MBBS, D Card, MCPS. Has more than 35 years experience in patient care

[1] Population Census of Bangladesh 2011
[2] bangladesh/age_structure.html
[3] Bangladesh Maternal Mortality Survey 2010
[4] Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2014
[5] Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics 2013
[6] Government of Bangladesh. Perspective plan of Bangladesh 2010-2021
[7] Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factor Survey Bangladesh 2010
[8] Akter S, et al. Bull World Health Organ. 2014 Mar 1; 92(3): 204–213A
[9] Universal Health Coverage: Bangladesh Perspective.

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